
2028 my self introduction

2028 my self introduction

In 20 years, I’ll have been working at what I want. In 20 years I’ll be 40 years old, because I’m 20 years old now but it’s so old I don’t wanna get old very much. As a matter of fact I can’t image what I’ll be in 20 years. And I don’t know where I’ll live in and don’t know what I’ll do in 20 years but, I hope I’ll live a happy life.

I’ve thought that I wanna be a police man in the future but the think has changed.
Because I’ve studied English as a major and I also like to use English I mean that I wanna work with using English. But I don’t know what kind of jobs are there but, I wanna get the job using English.

And concretely I wanna work with foreigners and negotiate with them and contract with them. I think it’s so fun and looks interesting, challenging.
In order to achieve this dream, I think I have to brush up my English abilities much more. Because communicating with foreigners require to use English smoothly and I need to know the back ground of foreign countries.

So I think what I have to do now is to take every class which I take seriously and get useful knowledge and develop my English abilities as much as possible.

And I thinking that I wanna stay abroad to understand various knowledge from different race and I wanna learn the different idea of mine. I think it’s so important to understand the different idea and learn different culture. It’ll help my understanding through my future job for sure.
And of course being in another country helps my English abilities as well.
Because during in NZ, I can’t speak Japanese as much as I think. But it’s a good environment for to develop my English abilities.
So through this time’s studying abroad, my idea for the future might be changed.
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WEI No.2

I usually post my blog at home but as a matter of fact, I wanna post it when I'm at school but I can' t do that. Because I have 4 or 5 classes on average every day and after that I have to go to my part time job directly so I don't have much time to do at school.
So usually I often post it at night after coming back from my part-time.
2. Good point
I think this blog's good point is by writing los of English so we can get used to English and can learn a lot of expression. And we have to read so many English books from English garden, so I don't often read books even Japanese one but because of this assignment we have to read it.
So it's good for us I think.
Bad point
I think this blog's bad point is the amount of the assignment. we have to update our blog three time a week and post book review once and we have typing homework and sometimes our routine increase by some reasons so we are so busy because of this one class. I often hear that this class's assignment is too much and I think so too.
I think other students are doing good jobs. Three post blog regularly and writing a lot and I sometimes visit their blog when I have time.
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What I think these days!!

I often think about exchange students from a lot of countries. Because I've been in good relationship with them.
But unfortunately they'll come back to their each country in one month so I think about them these days.

I made friends with them on last year's September.
It was a welcome party when I met them for the first time. At first my impression for them was a bit scary. Becausae we didn't know each other so I didn't know what to say and we couldn't speak to each other.
But as the time pass by, my impression for them changed. And I wanted to get along with them in one way or another so I visited the international dorm every holiday and we talked a lot of things and hang out with them. And sometimes we took a small trip during vacation.

And they could come to English weekend and we enjoyed and when I attended English speech contest with my great friends, they came and listened to our speeches.
And the day was also K Danny's ,who is from NZ, birth day so we went international dormitory and celebrated him.
I think he is so nice.
And this year's on April they could come to fresh man camp as a guest.
I think them are so good and nice.
And I'll attach the picture of Danny's birthday party after English speech contest.

And now when I see them at cafeteria, we eat lunch together and
talk various things for instance' Yo what's up? or how's it going? What are you doing? What kind of classes did you take? and so on. Our conversation starts with like this.

And At least once or twice I can meet one of them at school.
And these days I'm often invited to their dorm but when I'm invited by them I was saying 'I'm sorry I wanna go to dorm but I have a lot of things to do, So I can't do that. When I have enough time to go there I'll go there without fail.'

But the chance, opportunity to go to their dorm has decreasing.
And I have only a month to hang out with them, so I wanna treasure the time which is left.
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Yeah dude!

Today the last test of studying abroad has finished!! Today's test was Japanese writing test what is called 'shouronbun' And by the way I took the Japanese interview test yesterday as well. I was really nervous but I could talk my passion for studying abroad and I could tell what I was thinking so I'm satisfied with it.
Come to think of it, I've kept endeavor for this ryugakushiken since last year.
So I'm full of relief. But actually I can't take a load off my mind because TOEFL test will be held on July 6 out of school so I'll take it to get much higher score.
I think it'll be the last chance for me to take the TOEFL test so although the ryugakushiken has finished but I'll keep on studying for it.
And I'll find the result of this ryugakushiken whether I'll pass or not on September 4th so I have so long time to find the result.
But it can't be helped.
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