
Too busy my daily life!

I'm very very very busy in everything every day!! Because I have a lot of things to do for instance, assignments and reports for some subjects and English conversation school and study for TOEFL test and my part-time. It's too much! I don't know what should I do first and what should I highly think of. And I don't have enough time to sleep or I've not slept at all for a few days. So these days I'm so sleepy in classes.

And Add to these things, I have something which I often think about.
Directly speaking, it's about studying abroad, because I've thought that I want to study abroad. But these days I think what do I wanna do in New Zealand? And Should I go there as a exchange student for one year? And I worried about these things,
but I really think that I wanna study abroad as a exchange student during this student life because I'm interested in NZ culture、industry, history, people life style there.

And once NZ was a colony of British so now they speak British English which is famous for its strong accent and speaking speed. I also think its accent is so strong and sometimes when one of my friends who is from NZ speak to me in English. I think the spoken English in NZ is influenced by England I think. And its culture and industry are so fascinating for me and it has Maori culture there and as to the industry, it has developed mainly first sector but in contrast with this, Japan has developed third sector so I'm also interested in the difference between these countries. And I have things which I wanna do for example what customs are there in NZ? Or how is New Zealander spend every day? and so on. I often visit dormitory of exchange students especially who is from NZ and talk and ask his hometown and culture and life style but I that I can't understand well just only listening to his talk so I wanna go there actually and spend a year and make friends and I wanna know about the country New Zealand much more!
(366 words) total (4241 words)

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